

Taiwan Brass

Taiwan Brass 臺灣銅管重奏團(原謀音銅管五重奏),創立於2009年。從2020年開始正式更名成 Taiwan Brass 其宗旨為《以臺灣之名,創造臺灣精緻的銅管之聲》;我們是由國內五位新生代銅管音樂家所組成,大家秉持著相同的理念,想打破以往古典音樂的窠臼,並以多樣化的音樂風格,呈現給喜愛音樂的朋友們。

Taiwan Brass 常受邀於各級單位及各級學校演出;如2011年受國立中正文化中心之邀於臺北國家音樂廳演出,2012年受國家考試院之邀,於考試院內做整場音樂會演出…等;為了向喜愛銅管五重奏的樂迷朋友們,介紹好聽的銅管音樂及古典樂,2017年開始固定每年在中山堂或國家演奏廳舉辦專場音樂會。

Taiwan Brass was founded in 2009. Our perspective is to create Taiwan’s exquisite brass music. We are composed of five prominent new-generation brass musicians based in Taiwan. We want to break the stereotype of classical music in the past and present it to our audience with a variety of music styles.
Taiwan Brass is renowned to be invited to perform in units and schools at all levels. In 2011, we were invited by the National Chung Cheng Cultural Center to play a concert at the National Concert Hall. In order to introduce refined brass music and classical music to the fans who love brass quintet, our concerts are held every year in Taipei Zhongshan Hall and National Concert Hall since 2017.



小號 Trumpet / 何忠謀 HO CHUNG - MOM

自幼學習音樂,由其母黃秀婉老師啟蒙。小號先後師事聶中興、陳長伯及葉樹涵老師;旅法求學期間,先後獲得第一獎,並獲『全體裁判一致通過』、音樂家文憑及高等音樂學業文憑畢業於法國國立巴黎音樂學院(Conservatoire Superieur de Paris-CNR)及卓越獎,並獲『全體裁判一致通過加恭賀』畢業於法國國立瑪爾梅森音樂學院(CNR de Rueil-Malmaison),師事吉‧圖宏(Guy TOUVRON)、約夏.布隆爵(Gerard BOULANGER)與艾瑞克‧奧皮耶(Eric AUBIER)。

1999年及2008年曾先後獲得國立臺灣交響樂團『2000年世紀新星』之甄選及國立中正文化中心『2009年兩廳院樂壇新秀』之甄選。2000年至2008年間曾獲得羅馬尼亞布加勒斯特國際小號比賽青年組第三名、法國SELMER小號比賽第二名、法國UFAM國際小號比賽第一名、韓國濟洲國際小號比賽第三名、台北青年管樂團第二屆全國協奏曲大賽菁英組第一名及中國首屆亞太地區國際小號比賽第一名。1997年至今曾於亞洲、歐洲各地及南非等地演出小號協奏曲或小號獨奏。2016及2021年受美國國際小號協會(International Trumpet Guild)之邀於年會中演出獨奏會。

現任長榮交響樂團小號演奏團員、謀音小號重奏團與Taiwan Brass銅管重奏團團長、臺北亞太管樂協會理事長、中國音樂家協會管樂學會小號聯合會副會長及世界小號聯盟(World Trumpet Society)亞洲區理事,任教於國立臺灣藝術大學音樂系助理教授。

Born in Taipei, educated in Paris, Ho Chung-Mom is the founder and music director of MOMO Trumpet Ensemble and Taiwan Brass. He also works as Assistant Professor at National Taiwan University of Arts; as contracted artist for “iartschool” and as trumpet member in Evergreen Symphony Orchestra.
As a trumpet soloist, Ho has performed concertos internationally in Europe, Asia, the US and South Africa and has won several prizes, including first prizes in the International Competition of UFAM (France) and Asia Pacific International Trumpet Competition (China), and third prizes in Jeju International Brass Competition (South Korea) and Bucharest International Trumpet Competition (Romania), etc. His first contemporary music album was released in 2005. In 2016, Ho is invited to perform a recital at the 41th Annual International Trumpet Guild Conference.
Ho Chung-Mom graduated with First Prize passed unanimously by referees from CRR de Paris where he studied with Guy TOUVRON in 2003, and with Excellent Prize passed unanimously by referees with congratulation from CRR de Rueil-Malmaison where he studied with Eric AUBIER in 2007.
Ho is currently the member of the International Trumpet Guild; Vice-President of China Trumpet Guild and President at Taipei Asia Pacific Band Association.

小號 Trumpet / 鄒佳宏 ZOU JIA - HUNG

鄒佳宏,國中時於學校管樂團啟蒙小號學習,先後師事連家鋐老師、陳群之老師,並由杉木馨老師帶領進入職業演奏領域。從東吳大學音樂系畢業後,他成為國內極為活躍的小號演奏者,在獨奏、室內樂以及管弦樂團方面均有所建樹;此外,他亦於2015年在韓國濟州島銅管大賽獲得銅管五重奏組第二名之殊榮。從2017年起,他成為Taiwan Brass臺灣銅管重奏團之固定團員。

Jia-Hung’s first encounter with music was in school band, where he started learning trumpet at the age of 13. He studied trumpet with Mr. Chia-Hong Lien, Mr. Chin-Chih Chen and mainly, with Mr. Sugiki Kaoru. After graduating from Soochow University, he became one of the most active trumpet players of his generation, appeared as soloist, chamber player and orchestra musician. In 2015, Jia-Hung won 2nd prize of Brass Quintet division at Jeju International Brass Competition. He hold the 2nd trumpet position at Taiwan Brass since 2017.


法國號 French Horn / 黃哲筠 HUANG JER - YUN

畢業於國立臺灣師範大學音樂系,隨後赴美國芝加哥藝術學院攻讀演奏碩士文憑,並接受前芝加哥交響樂團首席Dale Clevenger的指導。在法國號的學習過程之中,曾經師事於黃明條、黃義敦以及莊思遠教授。

在校期間,曾多次代表臺灣參加亞洲青少年交響樂團(Asia Youth Orchestra)的巡迴演出,包括1999年北美巡演、2000年澳洲巡演以及2001、2002、2004年亞洲巡演。同期間也多次參與長榮交響樂團、臺北縣立交響樂團、世紀交響樂團..等演出。2012年進入長榮交響樂團擔任法國號演奏團員,現為國家交響樂團擔任法國號演奏團員。

Jer Yun Huang joined the National Symphony Orchestra as utility horn in November 2018. Prior to joining the NSO, she was the member of the Evergreen Symphony Orchestra as low horn player from 2012 to 2017.
Jer Yun completed a Bachelor of Music degree in 2004 at the National Taiwan Normal Univerty and a Master of Music degree at the Chicago College of Performing Arts, studied with Dale Cleverger.

長號 Trombone / 李昆穎 LEE KUN - YING

李昆穎畢業於國立臺北藝術大學、德國國立斯圖加特音樂院,長號演奏碩士文憑。長號啟蒙於吳震銘,曾師事陳中昇、蔡佳融、Henning Wiegraebe、Matthias Gromer、Joseph Bastian教授。在德國留學期間,曾擔任斯圖加特音樂院長號助教、哥廷根交響樂團長號實習演奏員、德國青年愛樂長號首席及評審,並多次跟隨樂團於歐洲各地巡迴演出。



Kun Ying Lee was born in Taipei, Taiwan. He graduated with trombone major from Taipei National University of the Arts.
In 2010, he was accepted at the State University of Music and Performing Arts Stuttgart and studying with Henning Wiegraebe, Matthias Gromer, Joseph Bastian, and he completed his Master’s degree in 2013. During his studies in Germany, he has served as the teaching assistant at school. He has also served as an intern trombone of the Goettingen Symfonie Orchester and the principle trombone of the Junge Deutsche Philharmonie.
2013, He was the associate Principle trombone in the Evergreen Symphony Orchestra between 2013 amd 2017. In 2016, he was invited to play as soloist with the Golden Hymn Brass Band performing Gordon Langford’ Rhapsody for trombone. A passionate chamber musician, He has also a member of the Taipei Classical Trombone Quartet, MO’s Brass, and performs frequently with other major orchestras, such us the Taipei Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra, Taipei Century Symphony Orchestra, Taiwan Pro Arte Orchestra, Philharmonia Moments Musicaux.
Kun Ying becomes the Principal trombone of the National Symphony Orchestra starting November 2017.

版本 2

低音號 Tuba / 蔡孟昕 TSAI MENG - HSIN

蔡孟昕目前為瑞士 Willson 低音號旗下藝術家。

2001年畢業於東吳大學音樂系,同年9月考入法國國立瑪爾梅松音樂院 (CNR de Rueil-Malmaison) 低音號高級班 (Supérieur),師事 André Gilbert 教授。

2002年獲得高級班第一獎(金獎)及評審一致通過文憑 (Médaille d’Or á l’Unanimité),並考入低音號卓越班 (Excellence)。

2003年6月獲得低音號卓越班卓越獎文憑 (Prix d’Excellence) 及DEM文憑,並考入低音號職業演奏家班 (Perfectionnement)。

2004年2月考入德國威瑪 “李斯特” 音樂院 (HfM “Franz Liszt” Weimar),師事 Walter Hilgers (NDR、German Brass) 教授,同年6月獲得法國瑪爾梅松音樂院職業演奏家班精湛獎及評審一致通過文憑 (Prix de Virtuosité á l’Unanimité) 。

2005年3月獲得德國威瑪 “李斯特” 音樂院藝術家證書。

2006年考取國立德特蒙音樂院 (Hochschule für Musik Detmold),師事西德廣播交響樂團 (WDR) 低音號首席 Hans Nickel 教授。

2007年5月獲得德國國立德特蒙音樂院藝術家文憑 (Diplom-Künstlerische Ausbildung)。7月考入最高級演奏班 (Konzertexamen)。


2009年7月以特優成績 (Bestanden mit Auszeichnung) 獲得德國國立杜塞朵夫 “舒曼” 音樂院 (Robert-Schumann-Hochschule Düsseldorf) 最高級演奏博士文憑 (Zertifikat – Konzertexamen)。

Meng-Hsin Tsai holds the diploma of Konzertexamen in tuba performance at Robert-Schumann-Hochschule Düsseldorf. Tsai studied with André Gilbert at Conservatoire National de Région de Rueil-Malmaison in France. After France, he continued his studied in Germany with Walter Hilgers at Hochschule für Musik “Franz Liszt” Weimar and with Hans Nickel at Hochschule für Musik Detmold.
Tsai currently keeps his position of principal tuba of Evergreen Symphony Orchestra in Taiwan. He teaches at Taipei National University of the Arts, Soochow University, University of Taipei, and National Taipei University of education.

Taiwan Brass近年重要活動

      時     間                       活    動    名    稱      地     點
  2023.8/26  協辦 「Taiwan Brass 臺灣銅管重奏團Ⅲ-紫蓮慈善音樂會」


  2023.7/8  協辦 號角聲響XXII – 何忠謀小號獨奏會


  2022.7/30-31  協辦 蔓蔓的魔法寶盒①「布萊梅森林大樂隊」


  2021.12/25  協辦 蔓蔓的魔法寶盒①「布萊梅森林大樂隊」


  2021.11/9  主辦「精緻銅聲-Taiwan Brass」音樂會
